What this superbowl actually means to Philadelphia

The Philadelphia Eagles are Superbowl LII champions! But this championship is more than just a franchise winning it’s first ring. It’s 57 years without a championship, it’s generations and generations of family being left broken hearted year after year, it’s four straight NFC championships and no rings, but most importantly it’s a city becoming one..

Eagles fan are one of the most loyal and craziest fan base in the NFL.. scratch that.. the world! As the rest of the world seen us “rioting” and “burning our city down”.. What I seen was completely different. I seen a city rejoicing, strangers hugging each other and flooding the streets with tears of joy, a city coming together for the first time in awhile.. It didn’t matter what color, race, age, gender, a cop, or what ever else society likes to separate us as.. Sunday night February 4th, 2018 we were one big family..

A city known as “Killadelphia” and for it’s tough brotherly love, it was completely opposite of that on sunday. As a city we united. Yes we tend to get carried away.. We’re Philadelphians, the craziest assholes you’ll ever meet, but don’t let that take away the fact of how devoted we are and how loving we can be once we let you in as “our brother”.

The fight, heart, faith, and family-ish feel of this team is what Philly is all about. From being underdogs and no one believing in us, to the tough “brotherly love” feel in the locker room. I myself could not be any happier of this team win or lose. They reminded me of why I love my city. For the longest time i hated Philly and avoided coming back home. After being reunited with friends and family during a time like this.. It hit me like a brick wall. I do miss Philly and will forever always love it because there is no other place in the world like it! Thursday will be filled with hundreds of thousands fans screaming and yelling in pure bliss on broad street! The city will be blasting “dreams and nightmares” and dancing as one. The motherfucking Vince Lombardi trophy is PHinally here in Philly! World champs!

This city has been waiting a long time for this moment and the world is against us and calling us amimals.. Well for you my friend.. We would just like to say Fuck You! No one likes us, and we don’t care! E-A-G-L-E-S EAGLES!!