
This is why we travel!

We travel for the experiences you can’t capture through pictures. Moments that are indescribable unless you were there in that very moment, basking in the pure bliss you’re feeling.

We travel for the moments you’ll never be able to capture in words, no matter how descriptive you can be there will be things, and experiences, and feelings you just can’t put into words. It’s things like stepping into the ocean, feeling the southern hemisphere sun warm your skin, seeing landmarks you’ve only dreamed about and remembering in those moments this is why you were born to travel.

We travel for the iconic landmarks and the hole in the wall restaurants. We travel to appreciate the earth and be in awe by it’s magnificence and beauty.


It’s the way you feel when you walk out of the airport or off the bus, it’s the fresh air of an unfamiliar place hitting your skin. It’s trying to capture the perfect photo but realizing that no matter how hard you try you can never do it justice.

It’s watching the sunset on a beach in Bali lighting up the skyline like a burning orange wildfire.

It’s watching farm animals graze, it’s watching the waves crash against the shore eroding away at the land, it’s watching locals take pride in their homes and it’s the connections you make not only with yourself and others, but with the earth itself.

It’s the endless connections that you make with strangers in hostels that last a lifetime. It’s shotgunning beers on top of a mountain in Vietnam. It’s learning how to surf in Portugal. It’s getting lost in the streets of Morocco and being completely fine with it.

It’s every memory, face and picture you take away from a place. It’s seeing the millions of years of the earth shaping itself and forming to all it is in the very moment you lay eyes on it.


It’s more than words can describe.

We don’t travel because we want to, we travel because we have too because without travel, life wouldn’t feel complete to us.

It’s all the moments that make us feel alive that make the stress, the money, the missing home worth it. It’s the moments of almost missing our plane or bus because we had no idea which direction to go in, and putting our trust in strangers to get us there. It’s those moments that make it worth it.

It’s the moment you stand there and look at something monumental that captures your breath and you think to yourself, “this, this is it, this is why I travel.” It’s the moments you can’t explain and the moments you’re absolutely in love with.

We travel because it’s a way of life. We travel because no matter how much we’ve seen and experienced we always crave more because there is nothing that can compare to earths natural beauty. We travel because we need to, because we love to.


The beauty behind Solo Traveling

I don’t know what I was waiting for. My heart ran the ends of the earth but my feet were still.. I was waiting, but the world wasn’t waiting for me. So, I went alone! And I learned that friends come easy on the road. Hearts are open, smiles are wide. Love grows quickly in strange cities and strangers become family when home is far away.

There are festivals raging, mountains to conquer, and markets to explore. This feeling of fear and surprise, is our heroine. Its what we live for! I realized that travel breeds compassion, dispels ignorance, and makes the world a smaller place..


I don’t know what I was waiting for, but I’m no longer waiting alone.. At first I was scared. I still get nervous before every trip until I arrive at the airport and I feel this sudden change in my mind, body, and attitude. There is something about it that just sets me free and allows me to be my true self. My first solo trip was just such a relieve meeting so many like-minded people of all different age ranges and cultures just looking to have fun, and go on adventures in a different place.

Stepping out of your comfort zone not only forces you to meet all these wonderful people from all over, it allows you to find out who you truly are deep down. I learned more about myself in the past year solo traveling then I could ever imagine!


Some journeys can only be traveled alone and sometimes you might never go if you end up waiting for someone to go with you. You never know what could be waiting for you on the other side of the world. So what are you waiting for.. What is stopping you? Don’t be afraid to walk alone, you’d be surprised just how capable you are!

“All you’ve got to do is decide to go and the hardest part is over.”-Tony Wheeler



5 reasons why being single should be the best time of your life

In life majority of us go through that tough break up. The one that just completely destroys us. The one where you thought you two were going to spend eternity with and then it just all ends.
At that moment you think you will never get over it. It feels like the world is ending. Eating, sleeping, and smiling just seems impossible. You feel completely lost as a person and at that moment you realize you don’t know who you are anymore.

You don’t really know pain untill you’re staring at yourself in the mirror with tears streaming down your face and you’re begging yourself to just hold and be strong.
You may not realize at that time but its truly a blessing in disguise. You are finally free! This is the best but hardest time in your life. And here is why..

1. Getting rid of toxic people in your life. Use this time to cut ties with anyone that does not benefit you, even the ex. All they will do is put you down and make it hard to move on in life. Don’t be scared to lose friends. Cause if they were truly your friends they will always be there for you no matter what.


2. You can finally focus on your dreams! Focus on you. Use your free time to workout, study more, pursue your dreams! Don’t worry about anyone. Be selfish! Now that there is no one in your way of doing what you want besides YOURSELF! Go out and get it. If its traveling, that dream job, or that body you always wanted. Know your worth!

3. Living on your own. Some may think its depression but its not! You have more free time to be and/or find yourself. Everyone says waking up next to the person you love is the best feeling ever.. Wrong! Sleeping like a starfish across my queen size and waking up and blasting music at anytime I want is. Also if you love food as much as I do, you notice how everything is proportioned for at least two people. Now you get to enjoy double the servings!

4. Travel! You finally don’t gotta wait around for that certain someone to also have free to go on a vacation. You can plan a trip around yourself and do what YOU want to do. Also solo traveling is the best way to find yourself, make new friends, and see the world. So go dance in the streets of Barcelona, get lost in the markets of Marrakech, and go sky diving over Palm island in Dubai!


5. Find yourself. Most of us tend to forget who we are during relationships. We get distracted. We adapt to that person or we push our goals off to the side. Find your happiness! Don’t rush into another relationship because you think you being with someone else makes you happy. Find out what you wanna do in life and focus on what makes you smile on your own! Once you find your own happiness through yourself you will find that special one. The one you’re meant to spend forever with.

So go out and live your life! Regret nothing! Who cares what other people think it is your life and your happiness.

“Nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain’t about how hard ya hit. It’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward.” -Sylvester Stallone

An Open Letter to the Parents of Backpackers

This letter is for all you parents who worry on behalf of all the sons and daughters who long to do nothing more than strap on a rucksack packed with the bare essentials and break away from the norm. This one is dedicated to you mom.

Dear Parents,

For you, it may be daunting to think that your child is in another country with little or no knowledge of the culture or ways of life – but this is what makes us thrive. This is what teaches us the life lessons that cannot be taught in a classroom or lecture hall. This is what makes us believe that we can do anything, and trust me, we really do believe that we can do anything. Life is limitless. Traveling shows us that there is more to life than working a bullshit job and just ‘getting by’. There is no education greater than the lessons one learns whilst traveling.

You may think that your daughter or son is aimlessly wandering the world with no end goal of a career, but here’s the thing – we aim to be lost. Being lost at 26 is much better than being 40 years old and looking back at your twenties with regrets of not taking risks. You are probably also worried that your child is damaging they’re hopes of any sort of career due to constant job hopping and globetrotting, but we wouldn’t have it any other way. Traveling really does have the ability to change our lives completely, no matter how cliche that may sound.

You see, this generation is different. This generation has so many more opportunities; and going to college, getting a degree and a job for life is no longer the objective. Traveling is much more eye opening and immersive than a book will ever be, because you write your own chapters and tell your own story. And is there anything better than a really good story?

You know that when we are gone, we miss home everyday, even if it seems like it is the opposite. You may not see the tough times though, the times when we cry in to our pillow at night because we miss the normality of home life and the support from the people who we’ve spent 20 years surrounded by. The times when we sleep rough, when we have ran out of money and the times when all we want to do is return home again. We probably won’t tell you we’ve been crying, we will tell you what an amazing time we are having. We don’t want to worry you with our struggles. You see, we learn to not rely on you – we learn to look after ourselves. But always remember that no matter what happens, we will always return home, even if just briefly. Home really is where the heart is.

You want to protect us, but you must let us go to be free to discover ourselves and the world. You fear something going wrong and not being there to protect us, but in essence, this is the whole point. Traveling is there to teach us to no longer rely on our parents, but to trust our instinct and make mistakes for ourselves to learn from. You have done an amazing job in preparing us for the rest of our life – now it is time to let us live it ourselves, spread our wings and fly free!


The young and the restless.

Why we should travel while we’re still young

The other night, I had a conversation with this woman at the bar who had a number of decisions ahead of her, which included whether she should further her education or travel the world.

I told her to travel. Hands down. No excuses. Just go. The results are worth the costs. And she sighed.

“Yeah, but…”

Never were more fatal words spoken:

  • Yeah, but… what about money?
  • Yeah, but… what about my job?
  • Yeah, but… what about my boyfriend or dog or car or whatever?

“Yeah, but…” is pernicious. Because it makes it sound like we have the best of intentions when really we are just too scared to do what we should. It allows us to be cowards, while sounding noble.

Most people I know who waited to travel the world never did. Conversely, plenty of people who waited for grad school or a steady job and traveled still did those things — eventually.

Be careful of the yeah-but. The yeah-but will kill your dreams.

The life you’ve always wanted

When you get older, life seems to just sort of happen to you. Your youth is a time of total empowerment. You get to do what you want.

But as you mature and gain new responsibilities, you have to be very intentional about making sure you don’t lose sight of what’s important.

So if you still have a reasonable amount of control over your circumstances, you should do what really matters. Because life won’t always be just about you.

During early adulthood, your worldview is still being formed. It’s important to steward this time — to give yourself opportunities to grow. A good way to do that is to travel.

So, young person, travel. Travel wide and far. Travel boldly. Travel with full abandon!

You will regret few risks you take when it comes to this. I promise you that. There are three reasons to travel while you’re young:

1. Traveling teaches you to live an adventure

When you look back on your life, you will have moments of which you are proud and maybe a few you regret. It’s likely that the following won’t be on the latter list:

  • Skydive over the Palm in Dubai.
  • Backpacked Vietnam on one leg.
  • Shotgun a beer with a monkey.
  • Learned to surf in Portugal.
  • Toured Sri Lanka by public transportation.

They’re not on mine (fun fact: I’ve done all of the above). So what, then, will be? What choices will you regret making? Holding back. Being afraid. Making excuses. Not taking more risks. Waiting.

While you’re young, you should travel. You should take the time to see the world and taste the fullness of life. It’s worth whatever investment or money or sacrifice of time that may be required on your part.

This is not about being a tourist. It’s about experiencing true risk and adventure so you don’t have to live in fear for the rest of your life. And it’s about remembering and sharing your adventure, and inspiring others to step out of that fear, too.

2. Traveling helps you encounter compassion

In our youth, we will make choices that will define you. The disciplines you begin now will be with you for the rest of your life.

Traveling will change you. It will put you in places that will force you to care for issues that are bigger than you.

If you go to southeast Asia, you may encounter the slave trade. If Africa, you may see how far someone needs to travel just for a bucket of water a day. If Haiti, you’ll witness the the ugly side Western paternalism.

Your heart will break.

You will begin to understand that the world is both a big and small place. You will have a new-found respect for the pain and suffering that over half of the world takes for granted on a daily basis. And you will feel more connected to your fellow human beings in a deep and lasting way. You will learn to care, and you might even find a way to speak up for the people you encounter who need a voice. You will start to see pass race, sex, age, religion, etc.. It will strive you to be better and to go out and make a difference!

3. Traveling allows you to get some culture

While you’re still young, you should get cultured. Get to know the world and the magnificent people that fill it. There’s nothing quite like wondering the streets of Marrakech or seeing Gaudí’s la Sagrada Familia in person.

The world is a stunning place, full of outstanding works of art. See it.

Do this while you’re still young. Do not waste the time. You may never have it again.

You have a crucial opportunity to invest in the next season of your life now. Whatever you sow, you will eventually reap. Please. For your sake, do this. Because you won’t always be young. And life won’t always be just about you.

So travel. Experience the world for all it’s worth. Become a person of culture, adventure, and compassion. I’ve learned more in the past year traveling than I have in highschool and college.

“What if I’m not young?”

Travel, anyway. It may not be easy to do, but find a way to get out of your comfort zone. It’s really never too late. I met a 37 yr old female solo backpacker in Sri Lanka who was just out exploring the world and seeking to find herself again. I traveled from Portugal to Spain with a couple that was 42 and 45. You are only as old as you make yourself to be. Just remember to be open-minded!

But if you haven’t gotten sucked into the routine of life yet, I implore you — travel. It will never be easier than it is right now for you to do that which really matters.

So what are you waiting for? Stop making excuses and Take that leap! The world is yours.. get out there and live it!

What this superbowl actually means to Philadelphia

The Philadelphia Eagles are Superbowl LII champions! But this championship is more than just a franchise winning it’s first ring. It’s 57 years without a championship, it’s generations and generations of family being left broken hearted year after year, it’s four straight NFC championships and no rings, but most importantly it’s a city becoming one..

Eagles fan are one of the most loyal and craziest fan base in the NFL.. scratch that.. the world! As the rest of the world seen us “rioting” and “burning our city down”.. What I seen was completely different. I seen a city rejoicing, strangers hugging each other and flooding the streets with tears of joy, a city coming together for the first time in awhile.. It didn’t matter what color, race, age, gender, a cop, or what ever else society likes to separate us as.. Sunday night February 4th, 2018 we were one big family..

A city known as “Killadelphia” and for it’s tough brotherly love, it was completely opposite of that on sunday. As a city we united. Yes we tend to get carried away.. We’re Philadelphians, the craziest assholes you’ll ever meet, but don’t let that take away the fact of how devoted we are and how loving we can be once we let you in as “our brother”.

The fight, heart, faith, and family-ish feel of this team is what Philly is all about. From being underdogs and no one believing in us, to the tough “brotherly love” feel in the locker room. I myself could not be any happier of this team win or lose. They reminded me of why I love my city. For the longest time i hated Philly and avoided coming back home. After being reunited with friends and family during a time like this.. It hit me like a brick wall. I do miss Philly and will forever always love it because there is no other place in the world like it! Thursday will be filled with hundreds of thousands fans screaming and yelling in pure bliss on broad street! The city will be blasting “dreams and nightmares” and dancing as one. The motherfucking Vince Lombardi trophy is PHinally here in Philly! World champs!

This city has been waiting a long time for this moment and the world is against us and calling us amimals.. Well for you my friend.. We would just like to say Fuck You! No one likes us, and we don’t care! E-A-G-L-E-S EAGLES!!

The reality behind Traveling no one talks about..

You travel the world, try new things, meet new people, fall in love, visit all these amazing places, learn about other cultures.. then its all over.  People always talk about leaving, but what about coming home?
We talk about the hard parts while were away.  Finding real jobs, settling down, moving out of your parents, making real friends, making good life choices, learning social norms.. But these are all parts you get through.  All of these lows are erased by the highs you experienced.  The goodbyes are difficult but we know they are coming, especially when you purchase that plane ticket back home.  All these sad goodbyes are bolstered by the reunion with your family and friends you have pictured in your head since the first day you left.IMG_20180104_135619_960.jpg

You finally return home, have your reunions, the next couple weeks you spend just catching up with friends and family, telling stories, and talking about the good old days.  You’re on top of the world for the first couple weeks.  You’re a star.  Everyone wants to hangout with you and hear all about your travels and then it just all goes away..  Soon enough you being home is old news. Everyone goes back to living their lives just like they were while you were gone.  Soon enough the questions start coming.. When are you gonna settle down? Do you have a job? What’s your plan?  When are you going to move out of your parents?

Reality starts to hit you.  You’re sitting in your childhood bedroom and realize nothing has changed. You’re glad to see everyone happy and healthy and yes, people have gotten new jobs, engagements, homes, etc., but part of you is screaming don’t you understand how much I have changed!? And I don’t mean appearance, I mean whats going on inside your head.  The way your dreams have changed, the way you look at life, the way you perceive people differently, the habits you’re happy you lost, the new things that are important to you.  You want everyone to recognize this and you want to share and discuss it, but theres no way to describe the way your spirit evolves when you leave everything you know behind and force yourself to step out of your comfort zone.  You know you’re thinking differently because you experience it every second of every day inside your head, but how do you communicate that to others who just don’t understand what you seen and did while traveling?IMG_20171222_023239_152.jpg

You feel angry.  You feel lost.  You have moments where you feel like it wasn’t worth it because nothing has changed but then you feel like its the only thing you’ve done that is important because it changed everything.  You made so many strange foreign places your home, that once you’ve actually returned home, you feel like a stranger..  Its like learning a foreign language that no one around you speaks so there is no way to communicate to them how you really feel.
This is why once you’ve traveled for the first time all you want to do is leave again.  They call it the “travel bug”, but really its the effort to return to a place where you are surrounded by people who speak the same language as you.  Not English, Arabic, Spanish, or French, but the language where others know what its like to leave, change, grow, experience, learn, then go home again and feel more lost in your hometown then you did in the most foreign place you visited.
This is the hardest part about traveling, and its the very reason why we all run away again, time after time.. IMG_20171225_144233_226.jpgreceived_10159786684905156.jpeg



The meaning of Lost in Traveling 

“Lost in Traveling”.. Something so simple but yet it means the world to me. It’s something that saved my life.. Gave me the will to wake up every morning. Made me into the person I am today..
Traveling has taught me so many life lessons that I am forever grateful for but if there’s one thing I had to single out it’s how it taught me how to live again. To do more than just exist. It’s the reason I wake up happy every morning and go to sleep with the same smile, day in and day out.

Several years ago I was going through the hardest time of my life. I was recently deployed to the middle east, divorced, lost a few friends, and suffering from depression/anxiety. My will to live wasn’t there. I might as well of been a zombie. At this point in my life the world has kicked me down, spit on me, and might as well of threw me in the grave. That was it for me. I had no reason to wake up in the morning. The depression eventually got so bad that I attempted suicide and if it wasn’t for a close friend of mine saving me(you know who you are) I highly doubt I’d be here today..

I decided it was time for a change. A much needed vacation, an escape from reality! But I had no one to go with.. So I went alone. I booked a trip to Morocco, Portugal, and Spain by myself. Leading up to the trip I was scared. I didn’t know what to expect. I almost didn’t get on that flight to leave, but I took the jump and stepped out of my comfort zone.. And what a jump it was!
When I left I didn’t know who I was anymore. I was lost. Mentally, emotionally, and physically.. It wasn’t till I found myself wondering around the streets of Marrakech completely lost and right then and there it hit me. Even though I was completely lost in a foreign country with no cell service, I was the happiest I’ve been in months! Nothing else mattered in the world besides going out and making new experiences. Stepping out of that comfort zone and living life to the fullest!

Sometimes when you lose your way, you find yourself and It was at that moment that I truly found myself. I spent so long worrying about others and what they thought of me that I got off track of who I truly was deep down inside. I realized what was important and what isn’t. I learned to care less about what others thought of me and more about what I thought of myself. I realized how far I’ve come and remembered when I thought things were such a mess that I’d never recover. I couldn’t help but smile because I was truly proud of myself and the person I fought to be!

When I came home from that trip I was a changed man. I knew that there was more to life then just working, paying bills, and dying. I decided to change the way I live.. Like each day was my last and to the fullest. Traveling changed me for the best. Today I am the happiest I ever been. I have people I hardly ever spoken to message me and say how happy I look and how much I’m loving life and living it up. It’s such a great feeling knowing how far I came and the obstacles I had to go through just to be here today. All it took was taking that jump and traveling solo!
In the world through which I travel I am endlessly creating myself. Venturing out alone renews your spirit in the most positive way. It changes your energy, your perspective of the world, the way you view others and the way you view yourself. You become a bit more fearless and more confident in your abilities to figure things out on your own. Leaving your comfort zone is good for you. Traveling solo gives you the kind of healthy push you need to get comfortable with being uncomfortable. You learn to embrace being around unfamiliar places, people and all of the challenges that will present itself on the road.There’s so much to learn about the world. Seeing and exploring some of the most beautiful places will leave you speechless. Experiencing different cultures and ways of life that make each place so special is a unique experience within.

“You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending” – C. S. Lewis

Is solo traveling for me? 

There are a number of reasons why people chose to travel solo. It could be as simple as none of your friends want to go, or you just want to travel. It could be something more meaningful, like you want to go on a self discovery journey and find yourself, or prove to yourself you can do it. You might even be running away from something, or just want a change, something new or want the freedom. The reason you want to travel solo is yours. However you will undoubtedly grow as a person, learn so much about yourself and what your truly capable of. Traveling will open your eyes and can be one of the best life lessons you will ever receive.

My favorite part of solo traveling is the ultimate feeling of freedom, there is nobody to answer to but yourself. (that can be hard enough at times.) Every decision you make is yours, right or wrong everything is your choice. You chose when to move onto the next destination, when to go on an excursion, you decide if you want to lounge around on a beach or trek up a mountain. You chose when you want to be sociable or not. If you travel in a group, sometimes you need to compromise and even sacrifice what you want to do in favor of what the group wants. In groups trips are organised to accommodate you all, when your solo traveling you pick and chose when and what you want to do. Everybody in a group has an opinion and wants to do different things but when you’re a solo traveler it’s all on you.

A common misconception is traveling solo means being on your own all the time; it doesn’t. Even though you are solo and will be alone sometimes, you will come across people every single day. From the airport flying out to your destination, to the hostel or accommodation you’ve chose, to activities you do. You will meet a mixture of travelers and locals it’s just up to you who you want to make friends with; there is no obligation. Ask any solo traveler and they will tell you how easy it is to make friends traveling.

When going solo try staying at hostels instead of hotels and AirBnBs. Hostels are an unknown entity if you’v never stayed in one, you just don’t know what to expect or what goes on in them. You might think of a hostel as just a cheap place to sleep but they can become much more. Hostels are not hotels, so don’t expect hotel quality. Hostels are more communal, good to meet new people which is great for solo travelers, the best of friendships have been formed in hostels. What you can expect is shared spaces, social hubs, shared enmities and like minded people, there will undoubtedly be other solo travelers there too.

Hostels can become the cornerstone of your traveling experience; I know people who had a better time in a hostel and the people they shared it with rather than the place they were in (myself included). Sometimes the hostel can become the closest thing you have to a home and give you some much needed comfort. When arriving in a hostel be open minded, be receptive to what’ going on; anything and everything can go on in a hostel.

Solo traveling can be one of the best experiences of your life. It all depends on your attitude though.  It’s what you make of it. People will feed off your positive energy and vibe. Just be yourself because deep down who cares what people there think of you cause most likely you’ll never see them again. So get out there and make a fool out of yourself! Dance like there’s nobody watching! Most importantly be yourself, and remember that normal is boring! 

Here’s a couple tips for solo traveling:

  • Travel smart, act like you know what you’re doing even if you don’t.
  • Enjoy your travels, take your time and don’t get stressed over little things.
  • Pack light but practical (You’re carrying that backpack everywhere you go.)
  • Be open minded, adaptable, receptive to change and be willing to grow.
  • If things go wrong, look at it as part of an adventure not the end of the world.
  • Be prepared for anything to happen.
  • Put yourself out there to make friends. You don’t need to spill your life story just be open enough to make friends.
  • Don’t be a travel snob.
  • Keep important items like passports on you when traveling from one place to another.
  • When you’re feeling lonely, try to not let it take over you.
  • It’s your trip, you do what you want with it and how you want.

Oktoberfest, the Disneyland for adults!

Do you hear that??  “CLANG” The most beautiful sound in the world!  The sound of liters of beer clanging together in a giant tent filled with 10,000+ people from all over the world!  The sound that will forever change your life.

Oktoberfest is more than just a festival.. Its paradise, and I’m not talking about palm trees on a beach sipping margaritas paradise.  No, picture you died and went to heaven, and there was a giant party when you got there..  That kind of paradise!  Or as I like to refer to it as Disneyland for adults!  Everyone dressed up as Bavarians wearing lederhosen and dirndl, dancing on tables, and singing songs with strangers.  What more could you ask for..

I decided to stay in a tent at a campground during the festival and if you’re a solo traveler like myself its not only the cheapest but the best way to make friends!  Immediately upon arriving I received a welcome beer and became friends instantly with a group of people from Australia, USA, and France who all just met that day.  We all proceeded to go down to the festival and find us a table.  The moment we arrived it was madness!  Now if you are shy Oktoberfest might not be for you.  Getting a table is somewhat hectic.  Aussie(I forgot his name) and I decided to split from the group since it would be easier for two people to get in a table vs 15 of us.  We immediately got invited to a table by a group of German girls and from then on it was nothing but pure happiness!  A couple of my friends from my hometown that I haven’t seen in 4 years later joined us.20170923_143447

For the remainder of the weekend we decided that the Paulaner Festzelt tent, would be OUR TENT!  We were there from morning to close.  Now all tents have a different vibe and scenery, and if you are a party animal like us..  This is the tent to be at!  Dance parties on top of tables, clanging beers yelling prost, and singing songs with strangers.  Weeks after coming home you will still hear the “clang” and people chanting “oh oh oh ohhhhhh oh.”  I still wake up randomly thinking I’m there.  The vibe of this tent had everyone smiling from ear to ear.

Our last full day we decided to go down early and experience the festival fully by getting our own table, riding rides, and eating pretzels and sausages.  Well due to the fact that their was a huge after party at my campsite the night before I was up until 3am seeing what other countries I could explore.(wink)  By the time we made it down it was 10/11am and we were hurting so we figured what other way to fix a massive hangover then some jagerbombs followed up with a espresso.   We finally made it to “our tent” around noon and it was packed! So much that we couldn’t even get a table to order beers.  We found these two Australian girls standing off to the side so we decided to join them.  We partied with them for the remainder of the night. We introduced them to jagerbombs, ate dinner with them, and even went on rides together. If there’s one ride I recommend doing its the swings from 100m up above!  The view of the whole festival is out of this world!  I would probably say that those 60 seconds 100m above swinging around was the happiest moment of my life.  IMG_20170924_113130_708

Being with four girls you think it would be easy to get a table..  So I told them to stick their chest out and maybe we will get lucky.  Well we got lucky but it was because of my friend’s ravishing hair.. who would of thought.  After hours of clanging beers, falling off tables, and screaming “ozi ozi ozi, Oy Oy Oy” the tent closed down..  But the night was not over for us.  Far from over!  Around 11pm the tents close and everyone proceeds to go to these parks with picnic tables to drink and eat a snack before continuing to drink like theirs no tomorrow.  After some wieners and more jager we decided to find a bar to dance at.  No clue where were at we decide to follow the crowd.(when in doubt follow the locals)  The rest of the night was a shitshow..  We danced the night away and clearly we looked like foreigners so the whole club was loving us.  I wish there was more I could tell you about the night besides us losing my friend for a little and me waking up with my shoes gone but after drinking for 12-14 hours we were all gone..20170925_193022.png

So here are a few Do’s and Don’ts if you plan on attending Oktoberfest!


  • Dress up! Buy a lederhosen or dirndl trust me its half the experience and you’ll also look out of place if you dont
  • Party at the Paulaner tent at least one night!(you wont be disappointed)
  • Bring cash!  Lots of it! Beers average around 12-15 euros for a liter.
  • Utilize the metro.  Prices for taxis and uber are tripled during this time of the year.
  • Experience the breathtaking views from the swings and Ferris wheel.


  • Be rude to the ladies giving out beers.  They will purposely skip you and make you wait.
  • Stand on top of the tables.  Easy way to get dragged out.
  • Be a badload.  Don’t be that person that pukes everywhere and ruins it for everyone around them!
  • Most importantly! Don’t be a dick!

**Bring a thirst for beer and your smile and you are sure to have a life changing experience.  You will meet some of the friendliest people there.  We all have one purpose during Oktoberfest!  Drink and have a great time! PROST!!!!!**IMG_20170922_193145_030



The Importance of Suicide Awareness 

So with September being Suicide Awareness month. Something that has unfortunately been accustomed to my life with serving in the military overseas and with friends back home. We use this month to reach out to those affected by suicide, raise awareness and connect individuals with suicidal ideation to treatment services. It is also important to ensure that individuals, friends and families have access to the resources they need to discuss suicide prevention. To remind them that they are not alone! 

My goal is to make a difference and show support by donating to The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. AFSP is the leading national not-for-profit organization exclusively dedicated to understanding and preventing suicide through research, education and advocacy, and to reaching out to people with mental disorders and those impacted by suicide. Help make a difference by donating to Suicide Awareness Month

Keeping your eyes, ears, and heart open to the people in your life is so important. Sure, we all have things going on in our lives, but not everyone feels that they can handle it. Some people feel that they’re not strong enough to go on, and they begin to feel like they’re no longer needed on this planet.

That couldn’t be further from the truth. 

Everyone has the strength in them to make it through tough times, some people just need help to get that strength out of them. This is why it’s so important that we all listen to each other and help each other out.

It’s devastating how many people have felt that the only way out was to end their own life. It’s devastating that these people could have been saved. It’s devastating that they could still be here right now had they had gotten help.

It’s a sensitive topic that a lot of people are not willing to discuss. And not necessarily everyone who is in trouble cries out for help. What’s important is that we listen to the people that ask for help, and keep our eyes open for those who seem to need a friend. Sometimes all it takes is telling someone, whether you’re close or not, that you’re there for them. Sometimes that’s all that someone needs to hear.

Being aware of how many people have committed suicide is important, and so is preventing others from feeling that suicide is the only option. 

Once again please show your support 🎗 by donating to my GoFundMe page by clicking on the hyperlink!