What this superbowl actually means to Philadelphia

The Philadelphia Eagles are Superbowl LII champions! But this championship is more than just a franchise winning it’s first ring. It’s 57 years without a championship, it’s generations and generations of family being left broken hearted year after year, it’s four straight NFC championships and no rings, but most importantly it’s a city becoming one..

Eagles fan are one of the most loyal and craziest fan base in the NFL.. scratch that.. the world! As the rest of the world seen us “rioting” and “burning our city down”.. What I seen was completely different. I seen a city rejoicing, strangers hugging each other and flooding the streets with tears of joy, a city coming together for the first time in awhile.. It didn’t matter what color, race, age, gender, a cop, or what ever else society likes to separate us as.. Sunday night February 4th, 2018 we were one big family..

A city known as “Killadelphia” and for it’s tough brotherly love, it was completely opposite of that on sunday. As a city we united. Yes we tend to get carried away.. We’re Philadelphians, the craziest assholes you’ll ever meet, but don’t let that take away the fact of how devoted we are and how loving we can be once we let you in as “our brother”.

The fight, heart, faith, and family-ish feel of this team is what Philly is all about. From being underdogs and no one believing in us, to the tough “brotherly love” feel in the locker room. I myself could not be any happier of this team win or lose. They reminded me of why I love my city. For the longest time i hated Philly and avoided coming back home. After being reunited with friends and family during a time like this.. It hit me like a brick wall. I do miss Philly and will forever always love it because there is no other place in the world like it! Thursday will be filled with hundreds of thousands fans screaming and yelling in pure bliss on broad street! The city will be blasting “dreams and nightmares” and dancing as one. The motherfucking Vince Lombardi trophy is PHinally here in Philly! World champs!

This city has been waiting a long time for this moment and the world is against us and calling us amimals.. Well for you my friend.. We would just like to say Fuck You! No one likes us, and we don’t care! E-A-G-L-E-S EAGLES!!

Oktoberfest, the Disneyland for adults!

Do you hear that??  “CLANG” The most beautiful sound in the world!  The sound of liters of beer clanging together in a giant tent filled with 10,000+ people from all over the world!  The sound that will forever change your life.

Oktoberfest is more than just a festival.. Its paradise, and I’m not talking about palm trees on a beach sipping margaritas paradise.  No, picture you died and went to heaven, and there was a giant party when you got there..  That kind of paradise!  Or as I like to refer to it as Disneyland for adults!  Everyone dressed up as Bavarians wearing lederhosen and dirndl, dancing on tables, and singing songs with strangers.  What more could you ask for..

I decided to stay in a tent at a campground during the festival and if you’re a solo traveler like myself its not only the cheapest but the best way to make friends!  Immediately upon arriving I received a welcome beer and became friends instantly with a group of people from Australia, USA, and France who all just met that day.  We all proceeded to go down to the festival and find us a table.  The moment we arrived it was madness!  Now if you are shy Oktoberfest might not be for you.  Getting a table is somewhat hectic.  Aussie(I forgot his name) and I decided to split from the group since it would be easier for two people to get in a table vs 15 of us.  We immediately got invited to a table by a group of German girls and from then on it was nothing but pure happiness!  A couple of my friends from my hometown that I haven’t seen in 4 years later joined us.20170923_143447

For the remainder of the weekend we decided that the Paulaner Festzelt tent, would be OUR TENT!  We were there from morning to close.  Now all tents have a different vibe and scenery, and if you are a party animal like us..  This is the tent to be at!  Dance parties on top of tables, clanging beers yelling prost, and singing songs with strangers.  Weeks after coming home you will still hear the “clang” and people chanting “oh oh oh ohhhhhh oh.”  I still wake up randomly thinking I’m there.  The vibe of this tent had everyone smiling from ear to ear.

Our last full day we decided to go down early and experience the festival fully by getting our own table, riding rides, and eating pretzels and sausages.  Well due to the fact that their was a huge after party at my campsite the night before I was up until 3am seeing what other countries I could explore.(wink)  By the time we made it down it was 10/11am and we were hurting so we figured what other way to fix a massive hangover then some jagerbombs followed up with a espresso.   We finally made it to “our tent” around noon and it was packed! So much that we couldn’t even get a table to order beers.  We found these two Australian girls standing off to the side so we decided to join them.  We partied with them for the remainder of the night. We introduced them to jagerbombs, ate dinner with them, and even went on rides together. If there’s one ride I recommend doing its the swings from 100m up above!  The view of the whole festival is out of this world!  I would probably say that those 60 seconds 100m above swinging around was the happiest moment of my life.  IMG_20170924_113130_708

Being with four girls you think it would be easy to get a table..  So I told them to stick their chest out and maybe we will get lucky.  Well we got lucky but it was because of my friend’s ravishing hair.. who would of thought.  After hours of clanging beers, falling off tables, and screaming “ozi ozi ozi, Oy Oy Oy” the tent closed down..  But the night was not over for us.  Far from over!  Around 11pm the tents close and everyone proceeds to go to these parks with picnic tables to drink and eat a snack before continuing to drink like theirs no tomorrow.  After some wieners and more jager we decided to find a bar to dance at.  No clue where were at we decide to follow the crowd.(when in doubt follow the locals)  The rest of the night was a shitshow..  We danced the night away and clearly we looked like foreigners so the whole club was loving us.  I wish there was more I could tell you about the night besides us losing my friend for a little and me waking up with my shoes gone but after drinking for 12-14 hours we were all gone..20170925_193022.png

So here are a few Do’s and Don’ts if you plan on attending Oktoberfest!


  • Dress up! Buy a lederhosen or dirndl trust me its half the experience and you’ll also look out of place if you dont
  • Party at the Paulaner tent at least one night!(you wont be disappointed)
  • Bring cash!  Lots of it! Beers average around 12-15 euros for a liter.
  • Utilize the metro.  Prices for taxis and uber are tripled during this time of the year.
  • Experience the breathtaking views from the swings and Ferris wheel.


  • Be rude to the ladies giving out beers.  They will purposely skip you and make you wait.
  • Stand on top of the tables.  Easy way to get dragged out.
  • Be a badload.  Don’t be that person that pukes everywhere and ruins it for everyone around them!
  • Most importantly! Don’t be a dick!

**Bring a thirst for beer and your smile and you are sure to have a life changing experience.  You will meet some of the friendliest people there.  We all have one purpose during Oktoberfest!  Drink and have a great time! PROST!!!!!**IMG_20170922_193145_030



Are we “traveling to escape reality?”

As I continue my journey of traveling around the world I come across a question I am often asked by friends, family, and even strangers.  “What are you running from?”  Many think I travel to escape reality which is true.. But not the way you think.  You probably think of all the comments us frequent travelers have to hear all the time.  People who travel a lot are restless souls, never happy with what they have, not ready to settle down, afraid to make real life decisions and all that.  They think we are a bunch of unsatisfied, escapist runaways who put off living life until well, as long as possible.greece1

I do agree we travel to escape reality but why does that have to be bad thing?  I believe that nearly all of us are running but for many different reason.

Some are restless souls trying to find happiness in external things like adventure and experiences.  In other words, they’re trying to escape from who they are right now hoping to change.  Some are dreamers running away from society hoping to find an escape somewhere else or to find an answer telling them that life doesn’t have to be the way people force it to be.

Traveling is one thing you can do to free your mind from stress and other negative emotions.  But more than that, it gives you an opportunity to learn more about yourself and things around you.  You may want to travel with your family, closest friends, or even alone. abu

For me I am traveling to escape the reality of being normal.  But what does that mean?  It means that I refuse to live the same routine day in and day out.  Society today wants us to work the same old 9 to 5 job, get married, buy a house, start a family, grow old and die…  For me I want to “do more than just exist.” When I’m old I want to look back at life and say man, what a ride that was.  I want people to look at my life and say “what an inspiration he was, he definitely lived a good life.”

My goal is to inspire as many people as possible and make an impact no matter how big or small.  For the longest time I wasn’t happy with myself.  Life was kicking my ass until one day I up and left.  I found through traveling it was easy to start over.  And that I did..  I made a life for myself worth waking up for every morning.  So in a sense you can say I “ranaway” or I was a “coward for not facing my problems” but I did it because I was tired of life beating me down and doing nothing about it.  I decided to make something of it.

So I guess you can say us travelers are “running away from reality” but in the end its not a bad thing.  If you are happy then who cares what you are doing.  The bottom-line is to live your life the way you want to because in the end all you have is yourself!!  Don’t be afraid to go against the waves, you might be surprised to what you find on the other side of it. Screenshot_20170703-204822.png

Belgium waffles, chocolate, and blackouts.. 

There are many things Belgium is known for like their mouthwatering waffles, delicious chocolate, and you can’t forget about the Belgium beers.  If theirs one thing they do right, it’s beer.  I’ve tried over 60+ different beers when I was there for 8 days and not a single one was bad! But you have to be careful because not only are they ridiculously delicious, they’re extremely strong which may lead blacking out, making bad decisions, and a massive hangover…

I was in Belgium on business for 8 days a couple months ago.  Which if you ever get the chance to go, do it!  Brussels, a city bursting with energy and is full of life! Bruges, a fairy-tale medieval town with jaw-dropping beautiful architecture and filled with so many canals that it’s referred to as the Venice of the north.  And then there is Ghent, a university town and cultural hub that is just filled with bars everywhere you look! What more could you ask for!? Right?! 

So as mentioned I was there on business and one of the locals I was working with recommended going to this street in Ghent that is just a mile long of bars.. A dream come true in my world.  I decided to check it out with a couple of co-workers while we were in Brussels.  After a 30 minute train ride and 15 minutes of walking we finally made it. It was everything I expected to be.. People just walking around drinking, bar after bar after bar, beautiful women, and half-priced drinks.  I was so overwhelmed I didn’t know where to start.. 

Untill I noticed a sign that said 1€ you call it till midnight. We walked in and immediately started double fisting with shots of tequila between.  Before you know it my one friend was on the DJ booth taking shots with a bunch of randoms, the other was on a barstool just Dabbing like no other, and I’m doing flaming shots and taking advantage of every minute of the happy hour. So once it hit midnight we proceeded to the next bar and the next and the next.  Next thing you know I’m at my sixth bar by myself dancing on bars and chanting whatever they were chanting, the other one was lost wondering around in the street, and the other got kicked out for face planting trying to open a door that wasn’t there… 

Eventually we all found eachother. All of trashed out of our minds wanting to just go home and sleep but the trains didn’t start running again till 4am and it was only 2am.  So we were in a pickle.  Pay 100+ euros for a taxi or stay and keep partying and catch the train.  So we did what we thought made sense.. Drink more and catch the train!  After that I couldn’t tell you much.  I don’t even know how I got on the train but we made it! 

Were on the train being drunk idiots, having a good time and before you know it all 3 of us were passed out cold.. Only a 30 minute train ride.. Not one of us woke up for 2 hours.  So it’s Friday morning people are trying to get to work and then there’s me.. Passed out taking up 3 seats, snoring, and drooling on some guy thats just to get to work.  Finally one of them wakes up and realizes it’s daylight and were passing stops that don’t seem familiar…

Were now in fucking Germany!!🇩🇪 15 stops pass where we were supposed to go. We all woke up confused as hell, still drunk, and we have everyone starring at us like were assholes..  Now there’s been times where I blacked out and woke up in a different city or state.. But never another country. Not sure if I should be proud or ashamed but it was one hell of a night! Just a little side note if you go to Belgium or Germany don’t try to keep up with the locals.. They’re fucking crazy and can drink like there’s no tomorrow! Oh and if you’re taking a train have a designated soberish drunk friend to stay up so you make it home! Just remember drink responsible and by responsible I mean don’t spill it! Cheers! 

Why you should volunteer more

Many of us were blessed with such a beautiful life. A roof over our head, food on the table everyday, and an education to better our lives.  And we take it for granted! Not everyone can be that lucky.  Some have none of those things at all.  Now I don’t know about everyone else but god certainly did not put me on this planet to just stand by and watch others struggle, while I live a rich and healthy life.

When I was in Barcelona and Madrid I noticed that there were many homeless men and women.  So every morning I went and got 20 – 1 Euro coins and as I would walk around touring the cities I would hand a Euro or two out to those in need on the street begging for help.  One day one of the older woman I was touring with asked me “why do I do that?” I was shocked.  I didn’t know what to say.  Not because I wasn’t sure why or lost for words but because this woman was questioning why I was helping others..  It blew my mind that there are people out there that think like that. That they are above everyone else.

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The reason to volunteer isn’t to get rewarded or a pat on the back.  For me I want to bring Faith, Hope, and Love to those needing a brighter day in their darkest hour of need.  If I can change someone’s day and make them smile, that is my reward!  You never know how much something so small can mean the world to someone. Who knows you might be the reason they survive another day.  Whether its bathing dogs at the shelter, sitting down and talking with the homeless, feeding the poor, or building homes for families in Haiti. Knowing you made a positive impact on someone is the greatest feeling ever!

No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted. You’re not paid in money or recognition, you’re paid in love.  People may forget what you said or what you did but they will never forget how you made them feel. Get out there and be that difference! Whether its volunteering at soup kitchen, abroad in a foreign country, or just a random act of kindness it goes a long way!

“Individually, we are one drop. Together we are an ocean”



Why you should solo travel at least once in your life

Planning a trip is never easy… Especially with friends! It can get a little hectic. You have to worry about what days everyone can take off from work.  People backing out, people who cant commit fully, and you have to plan around what everyone want to do.

Don’t wait for anyone! Take that trip that you always wanted by yourself.  You don’t have to rely on anyone but yourself.  You can go whenever its convenient for you, to wherever you want to go, and see what you want to see at your own pace.

Don’t be afraid of traveling by yourself because truthfully you never really travel alone. The world is full of friends waiting to get to know you. People just like you, who want to see the world and make memories and have fun.  You’d be surprised how easy it is to make friends traveling by yourself. Some of my closest friends I met while traveling solo.  From all over the world and different ages. I’ve met this amazing couple (Mike&Diane) in Portugal who are both 63 years old and they call me at least once a week just to talk and catch up. Its incredible the opportunities solo traveling gives you! You will find out how many good, kind people are out there.


Traveling alone is the single best gift you can give yourself.  It will be the scariest, most liberating, life changing experience of your life. Not only does it push you out of your comfort zone, it pushes you out of the zone of others expectations. You honestly find yourself and you realize who your true friends are. It changes you for the best! You’ll start to notice how lost you truly were before you went on this trip.

Solo traveling brings you closer to yourself.  You get to reflect more and it shows you a whole new meaning to life.  You learn something new about yourself and you find your own happiness.  And finding what makes you happy is the best feeling ever.  I learned my strengths and weaknesses. I experienced the exhilaration of the ups despairs of the lows and most of the feelings in between. I learned courage and I learned it myself.

If you sit around waiting for others you may never go and experience that place.  This is your life.. your book.. only you can write it. So say yes to new adventures, make new chapters. Be brave, take risk, nothing can substitute experience.

“Life your life by a compass, not a clock” – Stephen Covey
